Natural Birth Control, Fertility Awareness, Gynecological Health

Natural Birth Control, Fertility Awareness, Gynecological Health


Just a short post here to tell you about an amazing book called Taking Charge of your Fertility by Toni Weschler which I feel should be compulsory reading for all women. You can visit the website to learn more about this book and the Fertility Awareness Method that it teaches Using a very simple method of taking your temperature each day and noting a few other things you can learn a huge amount about what is going on with your body and your menstrual cycle.


The Fertility Awareness Method is a hormone-free and natural way of natural pregnancy achievement and avoidance as well as teaching you about your basic gynecological health. If you are no longer happy to be taking the contraceptive pill then this could be a viable alternative. Or if you are trying to get pregnant this method could be very helpful. I used this method when trying to conceive my two children and both times I fell pregnant in the first month of trying as I understood exactly what was happening with my cycle. I also have several friends who used the method with success too.


You can read reviews of the book on Amazon – as ever there are a few bad reviews as obviously not every method is going to work for everybody, but you can see it has a huge amount of positive reviews too.


Another hormone-free birth control method that might be useful for some people – especially in conjunction with the Fertility Awareness Method is Persona – you can check it out here.


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